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Rodolfo Anes Silveira, after starting his professional career in the audiovisual sector in Portugal, following the completion of the course at the Technical School of Image and Communication in 1999, has since then worked as a freelancer, providing various services of sound treatment, creation and mixing, both live and in post-production. In 2012, after graduating in Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication at Universidade Lusófona, with special focus on the area of cinematography, he took the opportunity of an internship at the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, France, in the Audiovisual department. Returning to Portugal, in 2013, Rodolfo took a training course in Augmentative Language at the Catholic University of Lisbon. At the end of the same year, he attended the seminar on color correction for cinema at the University of Television and Film in Munich (HFF) and decided to stay for a year as a guest student, where he got extra training in various areas of technology and film practices for cinema. In addition to starting his career as a Freelancer in the field of cinematography, he worked as a tutor in various seminars at the same university (HFF) between 2014 and 2017. From there, he was invited to join the Cinematography department at the end of 2017, where he is in the position of study coordinator. At the end of 2017, he  started a PhD in Media Arts at the University of Beira Interior, where  is investigating the perception of different types of media, namely: models and applications of non-contact technologies in interactive and immersive art installations. After two years, in 2019, he moved to an assistant professor position in the cinematography department and, in 2021, took a position in the visual effects department.

Confronting the Hands time

A visual essay that wanders in an anachronistic “Hands” time. Motivated by Henri Focillon’s fabulous literary essay, this video essay is not meant to be a “compliment to the hand” but to establish the average knowledge of the main subject shared by the Internet. Thus, through a script planned by curiosity and images in public domain, the spectator is conducted through various information rooms, in order to make a brief approach to the incredible tool of creation: the Hand.

The Hand: a silent portrait from Christian Elsaerrer

What is called “Music” implies several conditions. One of them, and perhaps one of the most important, is the creator. We all create music in some way. The hand is the interface between what we feel and express and vice-versa. The hand makes the creator and the creator makes the hand. With the common denominator of this bigband, there is a secret dance in the beauty of the interpretation of the set of hands performed by reading the gesture of the maestro. This small film puts into dialogue all those small gestures inherent to a performance of the final composition.

Rodolfo Anes Silveira, after starting his professional career in the audiovisual sector in Portugal, following the completion of the course at the Technical School of Image and Communication in 1999, has since then worked as a freelancer, providing various services of sound treatment, creation and mixing, both live and in post-production. In 2012, after graduating in Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication at Universidade Lusófona, with special focus on the area of cinematography, he took the opportunity of an internship at the Council of Europe, in Strasbourg, France, in the Audiovisual department. Returning to Portugal, in 2013, Rodolfo took a training course in Augmentative Language at the Catholic University of Lisbon. At the end of the same year, he attended the seminar on color correction for cinema at the University of Television and Film in Munich (HFF) and decided to stay for a year as a guest student, where he got extra training in various areas of technology and film practices for cinema. In addition to starting his career as a Freelancer in the field of cinematography, he worked as a tutor in various seminars at the same university (HFF) between 2014 and 2017. From there, he was invited to join the Cinematography department at the end of 2017, where he is in the position of study coordinator. At the end of 2017, he  started a PhD in Media Arts at the University of Beira Interior, where  is investigating the perception of different types of media, namely: models and applications of non-contact technologies in interactive and immersive art installations. After two years, in 2019, he moved to an assistant professor position in the cinematography department and, in 2021, took a position in the visual effects department.